Paper Overview

The written paper forms 40% of your total GCSE Dance examination. 

It is divided into 3 different sections.

Section A:  General Performance & Choreographic Skills

There are 30 marks in this section, which forms 37.5% of the total mark for the paper. Some questions will relate to a made up dance that you must imagine creating in the exam.

These are short answer questions – 1 or 2 marks with the occasional 4 marker.

Section B:  Discuss Your Own Work

There are 18 marks in this section, which forms 22.5% of the total mark for the paper.

These are longer 6 mark answers which require you to discuss, explain and evaluate.


Section C:  The Anthology.

There are 32 marks in this section, which forms 40% of the total mark for the paper.

There are a mix of short and long answer questions in this section – one or more of which will be worth 12 marks. These long questions require you discuss the effectiveness of selected production elements in relation to the works of the Anthology.